Saturday, July 28, 2012

Honey Mustard Chicken

This recipe has become a family favorite!  The GAPS diet has encouraged us to stretch our food repertoire quite a bit.  Instead of the staple green beans, peas, carrots and broccoli, and occasional salad with tomatoes thrown in to say we'd had our veggies, we've made exotic things like: cauliflower, snow peas, beets, cabbage, much more zucchini and squashes, and now, this recipe, which includes another exciting addition: mustard. 

OK, so we are pretty lame.  Ketchup and mayo were our condiments of choice, and we really didn't branch out.  But our picky 6 year old goes after even the chicken skin on this yummy dish.

Honey Mustard Chicken

8 chicken thighs (our preference) or 4 chicken hind quarters
1/2 cup yellow mustard
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons honey
garlic salt, onion powder, and cayenne to taste

Heat oven to 375 degrees.  Arrange chicken in a 9x13 pan.  Mix the mustard, water and honey, and pour evenly over the chicken.  Shake spices of choice over chicken (I use quite a bit of garlic salt).  Bake for 45 minutes or until chicken tops are golden brown. 

This chicken is great cold, also, as a leftover.  We're taking some with us on a picnic tomorrow, with significantly more veggies than you see in the above picture.  Yipes we look like carnivores there! :)

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